Deep Tissue Massage

Call : 8624885133

Deep Tissue Massage in Nagpur

Deep Tissue Massage in nagpur

Urban Spa Nagpur | Call us : 8624885133

How much is enough? How deep is too deep for a deep tissue massage? Should massage be painful? For the decade that I worked as a massage therapist, the most frequently discussed question in my office was “the pressure question.”

Deep tissue massage is an informal and imprecise term for intense massage. The term has no specific medical meaning, and what it means will vary from one massage therapist to the next. In most cases, therapists assume that it involves some kind of helpful change to soft tissue, though exactly what that means is perpetually unclear.

In practice, deep tissue massage mostly just means “strong massage.” Probably the majority of therapists offering deep tissue massage consider causing mild to moderate pain to be a normal and acceptable part of the work.

Strong massage may not be called “deep tissue”; there are several other massage styles and manual therapies that are quite intense.

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