Thai Massage

Call : 8624885133

Thai Massage in Nagpur

Thai Massage in nagpur

Urban Spa Nagpur | Call us : 8624885133

Thai Massage is administered on a padded mat reminiscent of a giant futon cushion on the floor. The massage therapist manipulates your body into stretches to help relax your muscles and enhance muscle tone and flexibility.
In addition to stretches, Thai Massage also incorporates compression, acupressure, and joint mobility.
The techniques of Thai Massage are based on the belief that tight muscles diminish the flow of energy. When the body’s energy is immobile, stiffness and inflexibility create discomfort and pain.
This practice lends itself to be sustainable for both giver and receiver, and is often aptly described as “Thai Yoga Massage” and the “Lazy Yoga.”

The massage therapist manipulates your body into stretches to help relax your muscles and enhance muscle tone and flexibility.

Urban Spa Nagpur | Massage Parlour in Nagpur


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