Oil Massage

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Oil Massage in Nagpur

Oil Massage in nagpur

Urban Spa Nagpur | Call us : 8624885133

Most people really don’t think about it when they get a massage, trusting that the oil that is used on them is good enough.  Many think that the only purpose of massage oil is to make it easier for the massage therapist to work on your sore muscles, but this is not the case.  The oil can also rejuvenate and hydrate your skin, and can have many other health benefits.

Some of the Many Benefits

Using avocado oil on your skin has a lot of great benefits, but when massaged in, it also penetrates deeper into the skin at an accelerated rate, and due to the massage, your blood flow in the areas massaged will be much better, improving the absorption and benefits.  Avocado oil, as you may well know, is moisturizing, but also anti-inflammatory, a natural steroid, and repairs sun-damaged skin much faster than leaving it alone.  The anti-inflammatory aspects of it also can be of great benefit to those suffering arthritis and rheumatism.  Massaged into the affected area, it can have a real impact in lessening inflammation.

What Is in Avocado Oil to Provide These Benefits?

It is a nutrient-rich oil, and is also very effective in relieving skin conditions such as eczema.  Since it is high in polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols, it does very well in reducing topical inflammation and helping sun-damaged skin.  The super-high oleic acid content is awesome for moisturizing and regenerating fatty acids, and it is even found in your skin’s natural oil, so using more of it when the skin is damaged can really help out.  The phytosterols in avocado oil make it great for a massage oil, because they play a large role in rejuvenating stressed skin.

Urban Spa Nagpur | Massage Parlour in Nagpur


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